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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Getting my living room back to normal

Well, we finally took down the Christmas decorations today.  We are still in the clean up phase, but now the living room has a lot more space.  It will be nice to have it more open so the baby can have more floor space and not run into the tree as much. I will also have more space to do my Zumba. Now hopefully I can get a better workout in (when the baby allows it) and try to tone up my tummy again. I am happy with my weight post baby (as I am only about 1 pound over pre-pregnancy weight and am still nursing), but would like to tone up a little more.
It is amazing how much larger the living room is right now. I don't think the dogs or the baby know what to do with so much room. Now to decide if we want to bring the coffee table back up or leave it downstairs. It would be one less thing for the little one to run into as she starts to move around.

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