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Friday, March 15, 2013

Nursing cover - updated

Okay, I have wanted a nursing cover that goes all the way around to cover my back as well since I am wearing regular shirts rather than nursing shirts. This means my back is exposed while I nurse. My daughter has also decided it is fun to try pulling the edge of my cover to the point where it uncovers my side and sometimes flashes people if I am not quick enough to stop her. I found this cover and made it with a slight modification to put the neck in the center rather than on the side.
Then I tried using it while eating out and this did not go well for me. I decided to try again but add arm holes so I can use my arms if needed. So this is what I came up with:

1 yard Jersey knit fabric
straight pins

 Lay material out flat (no folds). on the longer sides, mark the center on each end. I measured the arm holes to be 16 inches (8 inches out on each side from the center mark). Roll the edge over and  pin to create a seam.  Sew these sections.

 Once those are sewn, fold material in half. Pin the sides together starting from the bottom of the arm wholes to the end.
Also mark the neck hole in the middle of the fold. I made it 14 inches long, making sure it was equal distance from each end.
Sew the sides together up to the bottom of the arm hole.

Cut an opening in the fold between the pins marking the neck hole.

Pin over both sides of the neck hole and pin.
Sew one side at a time.  I also sewed the ends so there would be no unraveling at the neck area.

I am hoping this will work out much better than the last one. I just need to have my free arm able to come out from under the cover when I am out so it does not pull the cover up when I try to use the free arm.

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